
Yields and Shields ᵀᴹ

The idea of trading lower value items for those of higher value is universal in all negotiations. TableForce has labeled these negotiable items as "Yields" (low value, willing to give up, let go, concede) and "Shields" (must have, cannot conceded, the boss says "never")

By |2024-05-25T21:21:45-04:00December 30, 2020|

Win-Win Negotiating

A negotiation in which both parties strive to reach an agreement that satisfies everyone. Also called interest-based, value-based, and mutual gain negotiating.

By |2020-12-30T16:33:39-05:00December 30, 2020|

Unbundling Issues

One reason some negotiations fail is because they get stuck on a single issue. Having flexibility to remove a troublesome issue from a negotiation can pave the way to agreement.

By |2020-12-30T16:33:39-05:00December 30, 2020|

Trial Balloons

Suggest a solution or option to see if the other side bites. Exploring potential opportunities or alternatives.

By |2020-12-30T16:33:34-05:00December 30, 2020|


One party concedes or yields on issues. While it would appear a concession by one party would bring the participants closer to agreement, sometimes a concession can do just the opposite. Developing a concession strategy is an important part of any negotiation.

By |2020-12-30T16:33:34-05:00December 30, 2020|

Total Cost Approach

The total cost approach is a powerful negotiating tool for any seller under price pressure. Use the total cost approach to defend a firm price. If price appears to be the sticking point, do what Albert Einstein suggested when he said, "No problem can be solved at its own level." Direct your negotiation towards total [...]

By |2020-12-30T16:33:34-05:00December 30, 2020|

Trading Concessions

A negotiation exchange that involves making negotiation concessions or the "trading-off" of issues so as to maximise on each sides' value. So you will offer the other side something that they value more than you, in exchange for gaining something from them that you value more than they do.

By |2020-12-30T16:33:34-05:00December 30, 2020|

Tunnel Vision

A tendency for negotiators in multi-issue negotiations to underestimate the number of options that are available.

By |2020-12-30T16:33:34-05:00December 30, 2020|


Determining if a person is lying by asking a variety of questions, all designed to validate the same information or fact. When inconsistencies surface you can infer the person is lying. Liars find it very hard to remain perfectly consistent in all aspects of a lie.

By |2020-12-30T16:33:34-05:00December 30, 2020|


Threatens extreme action if the other side does not agree. Threat is implicit in every negotiation, whether it is expressed openly or not. There is always a possibility of deadlock and if talks fail both parties expect to lose something. Threats also create hostility and may have unexpected consequences.

By |2020-12-30T16:33:34-05:00December 30, 2020|
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