Price Increase Negotiations

The global supply chain is getting hammered and PPI is out of control. Sellers are being told, “Get us an increase!” Buyers are being told, “Do not take any increases!”

Our Negotiating for Success – Price Increase workshops helps you get in front of this. We’ll help you protect your business’s profitability by strengthening your team’s negotiating abilities. Get started by contacting us today.

About Price Increase Negotiation Training

Successfully negotiating a price increase as part of an existing agreement or the renewal of an existing agreement requires a deliberate and refined approach. TableForce developed and delivers a proven process that secures and defends against price increases. Negotiating for Success – Price Increase workshop has received rave reviews and has helped multiple customers deliver goal shattering results.

Read this reference from the CEO of just 1 happy customer!!

Some of the key topics in this workshop include:

  • Establishing the proper mindset and attitude

  • How to negotiate a price increase

  • Customer objections, and how sellers should respond

  • Planning for the negotiation

This workshop requires attendees to participate in a significant amount of role-playing activities to raise their awareness of their own preconceptions and tendencies, all within a positive and safe learning environment. Along with ensuring advanced negotiations skills practice, attendees also receive immediate feedback, constructive criticism, and suggestions on improving their skills.

Protect your business revenue and grow your overall sales by training your team on successfully negotiating price increases.

Interested to learn more? Check out our blog article, How to Negotiate Price Increases.