Negotiation Course Catalog

Each TableForce workshop addresses the sophisticated requirements of modern adult learners. Learning occurs through a variety of mediums including intense discussion, experience sharing, reading, and highly interactive role-playing to practice the new skills. All TableForce workshop facilitators are experienced contract negotiators with years of “at-the-table” negotiating experience. We never employ “professional trainers or presenters” that often rely on a script to deliver the
training. Our high quality and seasoned facilitators ensure immediate credibility and a high level of professionalism for every workshop in our Negotiation Course Catalog.

Note: No sleepy PowerPoint presentation in any TableForce workshop!

Length: Two-days
Prerequisite: None

Who should take this course?
Executives, Management, and Associates in:
Workshop Overview
Negotiating for Success I is a customized negotiation workshop designed to be a strong foundation of key negotiating skills. These negotiating skills will serve as the core of future negotiation situations for any type of business situation. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, this interactive workshop teaches a simple-to-learn, repeatable process built around making concessions and requests that surface during all negotiations. Some of the key topics covered from both the buyer and seller sides include:
  • Relationship building
  • Win-win; understanding each other’s positions
  • Negotiating power
  • Tactics and countermeasures
  • Weaknesses and strengths
This workshop requires attendees to participate in a significant amount of role-playing to raise their awareness of their own preconceptions and tendencies, all within a positive and safe learning environment. Along with ensuring negotiations skills practice, attendees also receive immediate feedback, constructive criticism, and suggestions on improving their skills.


Workshop Materials

  • Interactive workbook and negotiation role-playing cases
  • Podcast style audio review files
  • Detailed negotiation planning guide and forms
  • eCertificate of Completion, suitable for framing – boosts attendee morale
  • Various supplementary handouts and pocket reminder card
Customized Training
Often, your workshop is customized specifically for your company or organization and delivered at your site. The customized role-play cases will instruct your personnel on how to negotiate win-win outcomes while facing a realistic negotiation scenario designed to directly impact your company’s bottom line.

Length: One-day
Prerequisite: Negotiating for Success I (NFSI)

Who should take this course?
Anyone who has successfully completed a Negotiating for Success I (NFSI) workshop:
Workshop Overview
Negotiating for Success II builds on the original Negotiating for Success I workshop and incorporates several new concepts, as well as a more in-depth look at several key issues. The NFS II workshop spends more time around the importance of planning. This includes a facilitator-led planning session around the workshop’s more in-depth and complex role-play. This role-play, a two-on-two format, requires attendee “pre-work” as well as a concerted team effort. Key topics covered include:
  • Advanced Planning Skills and Techniques
  • Body Language
  • Environment (i.e. Location, Seating, Room Set-up)
  • Pre-defined Roles
  • Probing Questions
  • Planned Openings and Closings
This workshop requires attendees to participate in a significant amount of role-playing to raise their awareness of their own preconceptions and tendencies, all within a positive and safe learning environment. Along with ensuring negotiations skills practice, attendees also receive immediate feedback, constructive criticism, and suggestions on improving their skills.


Workshop Materials

  • Interactive workbook
  • Negotiation role-playing cases
  • Detailed negotiation planning guide and forms
  • eCertificate of Completion, suitable for framing – boosts attendee morale
  • Various supplementary handouts
Customized Training
Often, your workshop is customized specifically for your company or organization and delivered at your site. The customized role-play cases will instruct your personnel on how to negotiate win-win outcomes while facing a realistic negotiation scenario designed to directly impact your company’s bottom line.

Price Increase Workshop
Length: One-day
Prerequisite: Negotiating for Success I

Who should take this course?
Anyone who has successfully completed a Negotiating for Success I (NFSI) workshop:
Workshop Overview
The Negotiating for Success – Price Increase Workshop is a customized negotiation workshop designed to complement NFS I with a strong, specific focus on negotiating a price increase with customers. Successfully negotiating a price increase as part of an existing agreement or the renewal of an existing agreement requiresna deliberate and refined approach. Some of the key topics covered include:
  • Establishing the proper mindset and attitude
  • How to negotiate a price increase
  • Typical customer objections and how to respond
  • Planning for the price increase negotiation
This workshop requires attendees to participate in a significant amount of role-playing to raise their awareness of their own preconceptions and tendencies, all within a positive and safe learning environment. Along with ensuring negotiations skills practice, attendees also receive immediate feedback, constructive criticism, and suggestions on improving their skills.


Workshop Materials

  • Interactive workbook and negotiation role-playing cases
  • Detailed negotiation planning guide and forms
  • eCertificate of Completion, suitable for framing – boosts attendee morale
  • Various supplementary handouts
Customized Training
Often, your workshop is customized specifically for your company or organization and delivered at your site. The customized role-play cases will instruct your personnel on how to negotiate win-win outcomes while facing a realistic negotiation scenario designed to directly impact your company’s bottom line.

Length: One-day

Who should take this course?

  • Telephone, email, and Inside Sales Personnel
  • Counter Sales
  • Customer Service
Workshop Overview
The Inside Sales workshop will focus more on a faster sales negotiation interaction that takes place over the phone, via email, or at the counter, when there is much less time for detailed planning. There is more focus on building a strong mindset and attitude that includes confidence, courage, and determination during a rapid
negotiation exchange. Many of the essential skills taught on first day of the 2-day NFS I workshop are maintained such as Try, Plan, Raise the Bar, Bracket, Yields & Shields, etc., so that there is an effective foundation of primary negotiation skills. This ensures that a consistent negotiating approach and common terminology are maintained throughout the organization’s entire sales team.
Some of the key Inside Sales topics covered includes:
  • Add-on sales
  • Growing revenue
  • Protecting margin
  • Vendor negotiation
  • Selling value
  • Dealing with the competition tactic
This workshop requires attendees to participate in a significant amount of role-playing to raise their awareness of their own preconceptions and tendencies, all within a positive and safe learning environment. Along with ensuring negotiations skills practice, attendees also receive immediate feedback, constructive criticism, and suggestions on improving their skills.

Workshop Materials

  • Interactive workbook
  • Negotiation role-playing cases
  • Podcast style audio review files
  • Detailed negotiation planning form and checklist
  • Simple to review, pocket reminder of strategies and approaches.
  • eCertificate of Completion, suitable for framing – boosts attendee morale
  • Various supplementary handouts
Customized Training
Often, your workshop is customized specifically for your company or organization and delivered at your site. The customized role-play cases will instruct your personnel on how to negotiate win-win outcomes while facing a realistic negotiation scenario designed to directly impact your company’s bottom line.
Length: One-half day
Workshop Overview
Developed by professional “buy side” negotiators using years of real-world experience as well as a Six-Sigma designed questionnaire completed by members of an international association of contract managers. The premise of The Buying Game is that buyers (broadly defined as a person or team of people doing the purchasing) are typically in a negotiation to get the best deal from a supplier that is already selected, or strongly preferred, while most sellers enter a negotiation to give away value until they “get selected.” The Buying Game 4-hour workshop has been designed to strengthen the skills and negotiating outcomes of sellers by arming them with behind the scenes details of the most common sourcing processes. Once these details are understood, sellers are taught how to identify, or if necessary, generate clues before negotiations begin that they have either already been selected, or are only in the negotiation as false competition to make the selected supplier “do better” for the buying organization. In addition to lecture and discussion, attendees will experience a customized role-play that will help them understand the “game” and associated tactics most buyers use to get selected suppliers to make additional concessions. TableForce teaches “a tactic discovered is a tactic disarmed” and once the seller has identified their true position, how to effectively turn the negotiations into a stronger win-win deal. Retaining more value for themselves while still making the buying organization happy.

Workshop Materials

  • Negotiation role-playing case
  • Detailed buying process information
  • Detailed clues to identify when a seller is preferred or selected prior to negotiations
  • Recognizing when a seller is a false contender
Customized Training
Often, your workshop is customized specifically for your company or organization and delivered at your site. The customized role-play cases will instruct your personnel on how to negotiate win-win outcomes while facing a realistic negotiation scenario designed to directly impact your company’s bottom line.
Length: One-half day

Who should take this course?

  • Leaders and Managers of those that negotiate
Workshop Overview
The goal is to sustain the learning and the subsequent behavior change brought about by training. Studies consistently show that follow-up coaching by managers is critical for the newly taught skills to endure over time. The Managing for Success 4-hour workshop has been designed to strengthen the skills of those responsible to lead and manage buyers and sellers that negotiate frequently. The workshop will arm the manager with key skills and tools to effectively coach and manage subordinates that have previously attended NFS I. Attendees will experience two role-plays that will help them understand how to monitor and coach more effectively, including the need to become personally involved in the negotiation planning process for key engagements. The Managing for Success workshop is a customized negotiation workshop designed to be a follow-on workshop for those that supervise and manage sellers and buyers that negotiate. Some of the key topics covered in this workshop include:
  • Importance of coaching to behavior change
  • Assessing the negotiation
  • How to coach the negotiation planning process
  • Leading by example
This workshop requires attendees to participate in a significant amount of role-playing to raise their awareness of their own preconceptions and tendencies, all within a positive and safe learning environment. Along with ensuring negotiations skills practice, attendees also receive immediate feedback, constructive criticism, and suggestions on improving their skills.

Workshop Materials

  • Negotiation role-playing cases
  • Detailed negotiation planning form and checklist
  • Various supplementary handouts
Customized Training
Often, your workshop is customized specifically for your company or organization and delivered at your site. The customized role-play cases will instruct your personnel on how to negotiate win-win outcomes while facing a realistic negotiation scenario designed to directly impact your company’s bottom line.
Length: One-half day

Who should take this course?

  • Any person having previously attended an NFSI or Inside Sales workshop
Workshop Overview
The Negotiating for Success Review & Assessment workshop is designed to be a 4-hour session with a maximum of 16 people (optimally two sessions per day). Attendees must have previously attended a Negotiating for Success workshop. During this session all of the key fundamentals from the first class will be reviewed. We will intimately discuss the NFS strategies and tactics the attendees are successfully using and then drill into what strategies and tactics are not working well and why. Attendees are asked to be prepared to discuss real cases where they have attempted to apply the concepts from the prior NFS workshop, whether they were successful or not. The session will include one role-play designed to review and refresh the techniques and concepts taught in the prior NFS workshop.
Length: One-half day
Prerequisite: None

Who should take this course?

  • Sales and key account managers
  • Purchasing, engineering, quality, operations, project management, finance
Workshop Overview
The Back Door Selling workshop is designed with two potential and distinct audiences; those directly engaged in client sales, and those on the client or customer side of a negotiation. The Sales version of this workshop is designed to help sellers develop a list of key client questions as part of the negotiating planning process. Next, developing a list of key functions and specific individuals that can help answer these questions. The answers to these questions will help sellers to significantly increase their negotiating leverage in advance of the actual negotiation process. The client or customer side version of this workshop is designed to help functional groups understand how sellers gather critical information by asking presumably innocent questions of support personnel often not involved in the actual supplier selection process. Attendees learn to recognize these “stealthy” questions and the dangers that are inherent in answering them. The answers to these questions can greatly diminish the negotiating leverage of the client or customer while greatly increasing the confidence and leverage of the supplier.

Key aspects of this workshop include:

  • What is Backdoor Selling?
  • Who employs Back Door Selling and why?
  • The typical questions asked by Back Door Sellers
  • The inherent dangers in answering these questions
  • How to deflect or properly answer these Back Door Selling questions

We’re NOT right for everyone, here’s a link to our friends at Harvard if you’d like to explore different options.