Upgrade Your B2B Negotiation Skills!
With Negotiation Training by TableForce You Get To…
Learn How to Negotiate From a Global Authority on Business Negotiations (B2B)
Leading business school academics often refer to us as “Negotiation Experts”
More than 20 senior executives (CEO, CFO, EVP, PE “turn-around specialists”) moved to 50+ new companies
They brought TableForce with them to teach their teams how to negotiate each and EVERY time!
35,000+ people on 6 continents in 40+ countries trained in business negotiating
US$ 2,000,000,000+ in direct deal negotiations
Whichever negotiation training solution you choose, ALWAYS check references
Click here for our list of 27 Letterhead Client Testimonials!
Due to limited supply and high demand we ask everyone to book dates early to avoid mutual disappointment
300+ Successful Clients
Check our Letterhead Client references!300+ Successful Clients
And growing every year
Don’t miss out!
35K+ Happy Attendees
Check our social proof!35,000+ Happy Attendees
From anonymous reviews after every session
That much social proof can’t be wrong!
Since 1997
28 years and countingSince 1997
There are MANY who claim to be “experts”
Few have as much actual experience as us
On 6 Continents in 45 Countries
Are you the client who’ll get us to Antarctica?On 6 Continents in 45 Countries
Subtle differences play a role in negotiations
We’re skilled at cross-cultural communications
We Are NOT
Crisis or Hostage Negotiators (CHN)
If you have a crisis, PLEASE contact 911, your local police department, or the FBI
You may have heard of Chris Voss (Never Split the Difference) at The Black Swan Group, or his MANY fine contemporaries
They’re experts at CRISIS negotiations, which are highly specialized and typically involve
Irrational People
Who are in, or created, a crisisvs Professionals
B2B negotiations are NOT a crisisThey’re an opportunity!
Novice Counterparts
Likely in their first negotiationvs Experienced & Trained
B2B negotiators are often experienced
AND trained – many times by us
Can't Lose Tactics
Lives are at stakevs Win-Win Tactics
In B2B negotiations – lose fast!Get time back to win more elsewhere
No Relationships
1 & done - manipulation is acceptablevs Long-term Relationships
B2B negotiators work together again
Negotiating properly improves relationships
When you build a home, you need electricians and plumbers
While both are trades, you’d NEVER call a plumber to work on your electrical panel
Make sure to use the RIGHT negotiation training company for your business negotiation (B2B) needs
Can’t be wrong
You Get What You Negotiate!
Business Negotiation Training Built for You
You Get What You Negotiate!
Negotiation Training Built for You
You Get!
What is the best business negotiation training program?
Listen to your peers!
We negotiate better than ever before and that is definitely contributing to our higher margins and EPS.
TableForce takes the time to learn about the culture, strategy and initiatives of the customers they serve.
TableForce distinguishes themselves by customizing exercises to the client’s industry and products to make the negotiation exercises more real and credible for their students.
TableForce is part of our current “Built to Last” initiative as both an expert and trusted advisor.
We have documented cases demonstrating cash and revenue increases in the millions of dollars as a direct result of the disciplines and behaviors taught and practiced during this training.
Our associates embraced the no-nonsense, tactical and real-world approach of your training and were particularly impressed with the way you tailored the training to our industry.