You Get What You Negotiate!

Why a negotiation course for your team?

Every day, you operate in what we refer to as “The Three Areas of Continuous Negotiation” – at work, at home, and in ordinary interactions. Whether you are closing a high stakes deal with a client, seeking a promotion, purchasing a house, or merely agreeing upon a restaurant for dinner, negotiation is a foundational skill in both your business and personal life.

And just like any skill, the ability to negotiate effectively can be learned and refined. TableForce’s business negotiation experts offer you world-class negotiation classes designed to enhance your negotiation skills, allowing you to minimize conflict, maximize success, and bolster your bottom line.

What makes TableForce the best business negotiation training company in the business?

  • Expertise – With more than 75 years of combined, hands-on business negotiating experience under our belts, we have personally helped negotiate hundreds of millions of dollars in value on behalf of our client companies.

  • Educational Underpinning – TableForce partners have both completed continuous education at world renown programs such as HBS and MIT, and also delivered negotiation courses at the university level themselves. They understand the importance of theoretical grounding coupled with real-world examples.

  • Engaging and Customized Approach – Over the past three decades, we have established great relationships across a variety of industries and are familiar with the unique negotiation needs of each. You’ll benefit from this knowledge in your negotiation class, as well as a high level of professionalism, respect and energy.

  • Easy and Convenient Access – You can consume negotiation courses in a variety of in-person onsite and virtual options. All designed to meet your needs wherever and whenever it works best for you.

Whether you are looking to enter the fields of sales or procurement, advance in your career, or strike out on your own entrepreneurial venture, TableForce offers a negotiation course to fit your needs:

  • Sales Team TrainingLearn practical, applicable negotiation techniques to close bigger sales more efficiently and advance your career.

  • Purchasing Team TrainingDiscover methods to build better supplier relationships and lower procurement costs for your organization.

  • General Business TrainingProject managers, end users, the tech community, and nearly every other functional group are often unaware they’re involved with negotiations but can add powerful value if they know how. Gain foundational negotiation skills that will allow you to successfully navigate any business negotiation.

Business Negotiation Courses

When you sign up for a negotiation course from TableForce, you can expect valuable, practical knowledge enhanced by academic theory and the most current negotiation information and techniques.

You’ll access lifelong learning options in a variety of formats. Regardless of your level of expertise, preferred learning style, or schedule, there’s a negotiation training course that will work for you.

You won’t be left scratching your head trying to figure out how to apply canned, out of the box, negotiation training to your organization’s needs. Delivered online or onsite and built around your team’s schedule, all customized negotiation courses are highly interactive, and participation is mandatory. If you are looking for the ultimate in business negotiation training for your entire team, this is for you.

Beyond Q&A with our real-world professional business negotiators, each session includes thought provoking activities and discussions. Each interactive activity is meant to get attendees to be thoughtful and intentional about their negotiations. Participants get to put the negotiation materials they learn into practice through planning exercises and live roll play activities and then receive feedback on their performance in a “safe learning environment” which builds courage and confidence.

In addition to customized interactive negotiations courses, your team will benefit from ongoing access to a variety of resources, including:

  • White papers on negotiation tactics and strategies
  • Blog and Vlog posts with current negotiation topics
  • Negotiation Newsletter
  • FAQs
  • Glossary pages


Whether you operate in sales, procurement, or business more generally, TableForce has a training option to meet your needs.

Sales Negotiation Training

The terms negotiation and sales go hand in hand. In today’s competitive global market, negotiation skills allow you to close bigger sales more efficiently and create additional sales opportunities in the future. You’ll benefit from the years of experience the Partners of TableForce have in the field helping to make for the best business negotiation workshops for sales professionals looking to advance their career.

Sales negotiation training focuses on our proven three-prong methodology of Trying Harder and Planning Better, with the ultimate goal of Raising the Bar.

Let TableForce provide you with practical negotiating knowledge and skills that you can immediately and successfully apply to close your next sale.

Bill Garcia delivers negotiation skills keynote at the GCBAA Annual Conference

Bill’s an avid golfer and longtime partner of the GCBAA (Golf Course Association of America) delivering many keynotes to the conference over the years.

Procurement Negotiation Training

Roles in procurement often focus on strategic and technical skills needed to identify and source goods and services. Also essential, however, is the ability to build and manage long-term relationships and maximize value through effective negotiation techniques. TableForce offers procurement negotiation courses designed to help you negotiate outstanding deals through effective planning, and techniques for successful counter offers.

Our procurement negotiation workshops are based on our proven methodology, developed over years at the negotiation table.

  • Understand Your Position We demonstrate why developing an overarching vision and clear articulation of your industry, organization, goals, and objectives is a vital–and often overlooked–first step in any negotiation.

  • Build a Relationship Learn how to engage in direct, two-way communication with the other party that establishes trust, respect, and the foundation for achieving your goals.
  • Determine Negotiation Power We know that expectations impact outcome, so we help you “Raise the Bar” by developing a strong opening position and strong bottom line.
  • Identify Negotiation Tactics and Countermeasures We’ll show you how to spot manipulative negotiation tactics up-front and how to counter them effectively.
  • Get to the “Win-Win” Good business negotiations are not merely about price, they are about value. We help you get creative with “terms and conditions” that are low value to the giver and high value to the receiver, resulting in a scenario that feels like a win for both sides.


Let TableForce help you learn how to navigate the most complex deals and become a professional negotiator in the field of procurement.

Business Negotiation Courses for Teams

Negotiation training provides foundational skills for all business professionals and those looking to enhance their business resume. The ability to negotiate effectively plays a critical role in running a successful company, making strategic business decisions, securing deals, resolving conflict, managing internal and external relationships, and much more.

TableForce offers the best business negotiation workshops, designed to help you negotiate win-win outcomes and directly impact your company’s bottom line. We work with professionals from Fortune 500 companies, small- and medium-sized businesses, start-ups, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. No matter where you are in your business path, our negotiation training will help you advance your career and business.