Length: Half-Day (4 hours) or Full Day

Who should take this course?

Anyone who has completed Negotiating for Success I and needs a refresher to further embed and sustain the new skills

Workshop Overview

Negotiating for Success Refresher is a solid negotiation training program designed to re-enforce and re-awaken the negotiating skills covered during Negotiating for Success I. The skills learned in NFS I served as a foundation for all negotiation situations and can be applied in what TableForce calls The Three Areas of Continuous Negotiation (at home, work, and the rest of the world). Whether you are a seller or a buyer, this interactive workshop teaches a simple-to-learn, repeatable framework built around making concessions and requests which surface during all negotiations. Some of the key topics reviewed from both the buyer and seller sides include:

  • Relationship building
  • Win-win
  • Negotiating power
  • Negotiating tactics
  • Tactic countermeasures
  • Weaknesses
  • Understanding your position

This workshop requires attendees to participate in role-playing to raise their awareness of their own preconceptions and tendencies, all within a positive environment. Along with ensuring negotiations skills practice, attendees also receive immediate feedback, constructive criticism, and suggestions on improving their skills.

Workshop Materials

  • Interactive workbook
  • Negotiation role-playing cases
  • Certificate of Completion, suitable for framing – boosts attendee morale
  • Various supplementary handouts

Customized Training

Your negotiation training workshop is customized specifically for your company or organization and delivered at your site. The customized cases will instruct your personnel on how to negotiate win-win outcomes, including the use of terms and conditions, to directly impact your company’s bottom line. We use only experienced contract negotiators, not professional “presenters”.