Cooling Off Period

Build "cooling off periods" into a negotiation when emotions and power struggles become apparent. Both parties are better served if each has time to reflect on their own needs, interests, and positions—outside of the negotiating room.

By |2020-12-30T16:32:25-05:00December 30, 2020|

Chicken Tactic

Chicken Tactic When someone gives you a "last and final offer," don't accept it at face value. Test it. It could be they are simply asking you to play "chicken" to test your resolve. When you are given a last clear chance to take a final offer or risk the consequences, you are in [...]

By |2024-05-25T21:00:21-04:00December 30, 2020|

Circular Logrolling

Trade-offs that require each group member to offer another member a concession on one issue while receiving a concession from yet another group member on a different issue.

By |2020-12-30T16:32:19-05:00December 30, 2020|


Usually a temporary agreement between two or more individuals or groups to help them reach a common goal. Sometimes found in multi-party negotiations to help the coalition gain an advantage.

By |2020-12-30T16:32:19-05:00December 30, 2020|

Cognitive Balance

A psychology theory that says if I like Joe and you like Joe, we are likely to find other things we both like. This principle applies to the attitudes of people towards other persons, objects, or ideas. It also works in reverse. If I like Joe and you don't like Joe, we will have trouble [...]

By |2020-12-30T16:32:19-05:00December 30, 2020|

Collective Bargaining

A negotiation process that occurs between employers (or their representatives) and the representatives of a union to negotiate issues that consists of wages, hours of work and other conditions of employment. Normally results in a written contract that is defined by specific time duration – "life of the contract". Doesn't necessarily comprise bargaining as the [...]

By |2020-12-30T16:32:19-05:00December 30, 2020|

Common Ground

This term refers to the area of agreement or a basis for an understanding, that is mutually agreed upon by all parties to a negotiation. Having a shared enemy or a shared problem can unite people and build trust. Having a common goal or a common problem dilutes the perception that the interests of the [...]

By |2020-12-30T16:32:19-05:00December 30, 2020|


Used to lower expectations of the other party. "I can get this from your competition for $$$." "If you don't lower your price I need to go out to bid on this." "Everyone else is offering this option at no extra cost." "This is the last one available for three months, if you don't want [...]

By |2020-12-30T16:32:19-05:00December 30, 2020|


Each side concedes something of value. Trade-offs made during a negotiation that hopefully bring the parties closer to agreement and help bridge differences.

By |2022-12-09T16:19:39-05:00December 30, 2020|


Giving into something in order to reach an agreement. Concession is sometimes used to indicate a one-sided move, whereas a "trade" or "exchange" describes that each side gave and received.

By |2020-12-30T16:32:19-05:00December 30, 2020|
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